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Scotland to Cornwall and getting old

January is over, people are falling off wagons left right and centre, what a wonderful time of year this is.
As you will have no doubt seen by now, we have relocated our operation from Scotland down to Cornwall.  This is not a decision we made voluntarily, it was a decision forced upon us by the shop we were landing our wines in being closed.  This was a tough decision for the guys running the shop and an operation we were not really ready to make, but as with everything since the inception of this business and all the curveballs we have had thrown at us, we dug deep and got our wines moved and send out to our customers in a very short window of time.
This was made all the more fun by the Cornish weather and coming off the back of us having to drive back from Italy in time to meet the wines arriving from Scotland, and then having to find a location to store the wines.  Needless to say, we found a temporary location while we got all the January Discovery boxes out to customers, organised our third courier, and then moved all the wines again to a more long term home….
So, all in all, January has been rather testing for us.  We are still standing though and we are getting orders in from customers which shows that we are doing a good job.
With February being the month of my *cough* 40th *cough* birthday, I have decided to offer a rather lovely present back to all our customers….
Anyone that subscribes to our wine club from today, for the months of February, March and April we will send you 4 bottles of organic wine rather than 3.
Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

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